NHS England and health service regulator Monitor have proposed a new tariff for 2015/16 in a bid to get providers to approve changes to the payment regime.
Public services spend almost £17bn a year on addressing the impact of a host of social problems affecting young people, a study by the Early Intervention Foundation has found.
Over two-fifths of respondents to a survey on the effectiveness of local authority governance have warned that scrutiny committees are not doing enough to challenge the way that councils operate.
Commissioners are to be sent in to run all the executive functions of Rotherham Borough Council following a damning report into the authority’s governance.
Academy funding must be made more transparent and new rules governing spending are needed to tackle possible conflicts of interest in the sector, the education select committee has said.
Low-income families with children and the very well off are the two groups that have lost the most from the coalition government’s changes to tax and benefits for working-age people, the Institute...
Schools could soon face a tipping point where there is no more space or money to offer extra places to pupils that need them, the Local Government Association has warned.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said the next Conservative government would get Britain ‘back to living within its means’ by running a surplus on day-to-day government spending by 2017/18.
The Sheffield city region has agreed a devolution deal with Whitehall that will give the combined authority more power over economic development, transport, skills and housing, Deputy Prime Minister...
The UK public finances are on track to be in surplus by 2018/19, despite upward revisions to borrowing forecasts for this year and next, Chancellor George Osborne said in today’s Autumn Statement.
A parliamentary inquiry into the effectiveness of scrutiny arrangements in councils run by cabinets or mayors is needed after a number of high-profile failings, a senior MP has said.
Members of all three local government unions have voted to accept a two-year pay deal from the Local Government Association, resolving a dispute that had seen workers take strike action.
Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles is to send three commissioners into Tower Hamlets to oversee the work of the authority after an inspection by PricewaterhouseCoopers found it had failed to...
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced that nearly all of the 151 Better Care Fund plans in England have been approved ahead of implementation of the reform from next April.
Political parties must rule out local government reorganisation to give councils in two-tier areas the confidence to develop and implement voluntary collaboration plans, the New Local Government...
The government has been urged to encourage the creation of ISA-style tax free savings accounts so that students can build up money to allow them to pay for tuition without taking on loan debt.
Local government trade unions have suspended strike action planned for next Tuesday following a revised pay proposal from the Local Government Association.
A proposal by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson to create a new Thames Estuary airport has been ruled out by the government’s Airports Commission which is developing plans for additional aviation...
The government’s education policies are damaging the life chances of a generation of children and must be reversed, the new president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers has said today.
Parish councils and the Local Government Association are to work together to develop community benefit schemes to manage the locally retained revenues from fracking for shale gas.
Councils have been forced to abandon building projects, cut back on school maintenance and borrow additional money in order to plug a £1bn ‘black hole’ in funding for school places, the Local...
Iain Duncan Smith will today defend the government’s welfare reforms by insisting that measures including the introduction of a £26,000 benefit cap are ensuring a ‘social recovery’ in the UK...
MPs have warned that government employees are less likely to come forward to disclose wrongdoing following the failure of Whitehall departments to protect whistleblowers in the past.
The new chair of the Local Government Association has called for councils to be given new powers to coordinate local employment support after warning that millions could be left without suitable work...