Procurement reform is on the horizon and will require public authorities to take a firmer grip on contract management with suppliers, writes Anja Beriro, partner at UK and Ireland law firm Browne...
A shortfall in digital and procurement expertise across government has led to taxpayers’ money being wasted and progress on transformation losing pace, according to the National Audit Office.
New controls aimed at pruning Whitehall’s consultancy bill by over £1bn should herald a cultural change in how consultants are procured across the public sector, the government has said.
Councils should make the most of the Procurement Act as an “opportunity for a more strategic, socially minded” approach to public procurement when it comes into force next year, a think-tank has...
The forthcoming shake-up of government procurement may be undermined by the difficulty of excluding major suppliers even in the worst cases of poor performance, a report has warned.
The Social Market Foundation worked out that the public sector could save hundreds of millions of pounds by tackling restrictive software licensing rules. Senior researcher Jake Shepherd explains.
Crown Commercial Service is busy getting ready to help the public sector navigate incoming procurement rules to drive improvement and meet obligations.
Three public bodies held more than £3.4bn worth of contracts with Fujitsu following a 2019 High Court ruling, with more than a third approved after a judge found that the Post Office Horizon system...
At a time when efficiency and innovation are paramount, strategic partnerships in the public sector stand out as a visionary approach that could revolutionise asset and estates management, writes...
The Treasury Committee has called for answers on procurement deals with the company at the centre of the Post Office scandal following the 2019 High Court ruling that exonerated sub-postmasters.
Carbon reduction commitments already play a role in the assessment of public sector suppliers, but for this to genuinely shift the dial towards net zero, we all need to improve how we understand,...
Post Office scandal lands everywhere, Levelling Up progress revealed, LGA renews social care lobbying, the cities that will escape the doom loop and more.
NHS trusts’ inconsistent use of a central procurement body means the service is not “making the most” of its enormous buying power, the National Audit Office has said.
The lack of quality procurement data has made it difficult for the government to demonstrate that £259bn spent in 2021-22 delivered value for money, Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee...
Through the implementation of the Procurement Act, value for money will remain a high priority but public money will also be directed towards tangible social, economic and environmental benefits,...