Thousands of new professional roles are being advertised in the public sector, setting it apart from some major industries, a recruitment agency has said.
The sector is always looking to recruit great people to help deliver vital public services. Here are some issues being considered by jobseekers and recruiters alike.
The sector is always looking to recruit great people to help deliver vital public services. Here are some issues being considered by jobseekers and recruiters alike.
The sector is always looking to recruit great people to help deliver vital public services. Explore some new opportunities to help those services keep thriving.
The sector is always looking to recruit great people to help deliver vital public services. Here are some issues being considered by jobseekers and recruiters alike.
In the UK, many public finance professionals from ethnic minorities feel they have to work harder and be better qualified to reach the same positions as their white colleagues.
Greater workforce diversity can help government organisations deliver better services. What more can be done to improve career prospects for minority groups?
In uncertain times, one of the few certainties is that leaders are going to need to be agile. Traditional training models may no longer be the best fit but there are ways to prepare for the unknown....
Get on board with hassle-free recruitment processes if you want to hire the best candidates and improve commitment, performance and retention rates, says John Thornton.
An organisation can only be as good as the people that work there, so make sure yours are topping up their talent and maximise your return on investment with these tips from CIPFA’s Brendan McCarron.
Almost two thirds of finance professionals say they have come under pressure to act in an unethical way at some point in their careers, according to early findings from CIPFA’s ethics survey revealed...
As the public sector enters a second wave of digital development, the impact on the finance profession – on working practices, the skills and roles required – is set to pose a significant challenge.