Experienced Section 151 officer Brendan Arnold reflects on the role and tells PF how a Section 114 notice can be an opportunity to tackle cultural, communication and commercial issues.
Decent homes in the UK are in short supply. Kate Henderson, National Housing Federation chief executive and the voice of social housing, tells PF that the crisis can be solved.
UKIB’s Lorna Pimlott is on a mission to enable ambitious infrastructure projects that allow people to make the most of their talents without leaving their local area.
The general election will end the most turbulent parliament in decades. Public Accounts Committee chair Meg Hillier reflects on the lessons to be learned and what’s to come
With the criminal justice system on its knees, why won’t the government fund services with a proven track record of reducing reoffending, asks Yvonne Thomas of the Clink charity.
As the government lurched through prime ministers, Carl Emmerson of the IFS was among those warning of trouble ahead. He tells PF how making things better could start now.
The fledgling UK Infrastructure Bank aims to add advisory services to its role of investing in green ‘levelling up’ projects, according to its chief executive and deputy local government director.
Speaking to the press for the first time about his controversial spell as communities secretary, Lord Pickles says he is relaxed about the unpicking of his austerity legacy.
In the first of a two-part interview with Lord Pickles, chair of the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA), the former communities secretary discusses the current state of standards in...
The local government audit crisis means is compounding local government’s financial difficulties, says Public Accounts Committee chair, Dame Meg Hillier.
Institute for Fiscal Studies director Paul Johnson tells PF that the ambitious nature of the ‘levelling up’ white paper is both a strength and a potential weakness.
In December, MP Margaret Hodge announced that she will not stand for parliament at the next general election. The former Public Accounts Committee chair speaks to PF about her worry that the UK is in...
PF speaks to Duncan Whitfield, strategic director of finance and governance at the London Borough of Southwark about the treasury management challenges he faces as part of his role.
Inaugural chair Hardev Virdee is determined to ensure that a new NHS finance academy helps the health finance profession better reflect the communities it serves
PF speaks to Michael Hudson, chief finance officer and section 151 officer at Worcestershire County Council, to discusses the treasury management challenges he faces as part of his role.
New CIPFA president Mike Driver leads the UK government’s Covid-19 managed quarantine programme. Post-pandemic, the skills of public finance professionals will be needed like never before, he says.
Hala Audi, chief executive of the Trinity Challenge, discussed big data and working across boundaries at last week’s Public Finance Live conference. We caught up with her to hear about how her...
A future Labour government would reverse the current government’s profligate use of public cash, says shadow chief secretary to the Treasury Bridget Phillipson – but specifics on tax and spending...
Cat Little had a baptism of fire after joining the Treasury in March 2020. From PPE purchasing to November’s Spending Review, controls have remained tight, she says.
Stepping down last month after 10 years in charge, Robert Chote has entrenched the Office for Budget Responsibility as a vital cog in the UK’s fiscal machinery.
As director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Paul Johnson has overseen a period of ‘extraordinary’ lockdown output from his organisation, charting Covid-19’s economic impact.