Sustainable economic growth is urgently required to help deliver the funding for government to meet its commitments for national renewal, writes Nigel Wilcock, executive director of the Institute of...
The UK is facing a capital programmes funding gap of £1.6trn by 2040, according to EY, including new road and rail projects, decarbonising public buildings and social infrastructure funding for...
The government hopes £650,000 of funding will improve efficiency and create a “supersquad” at a shared planning service, improving already-good outcomes locally as well as benefitting ...
UKIB’s Lorna Pimlott is on a mission to enable ambitious infrastructure projects that allow people to make the most of their talents without leaving their local area.
National and local infrastructure features heavily in their general election manifestos, but with Labour and the Conservatives reluctant to increase borrowing or taxes, how will they be funded in a...
Progress towards eradicating regional inequalities has been “glacial”, driven by patchy policy initiatives and the absence of stable long-term funding, according to a leading think-tank.
Additional funding to maintain and improve the NHS estate would play an important role in improving performance and productivity and stop staff working around a huge backlog, researchers have said.