An independent inquiry will investigate carer’s allowance overpayments that saw claimants who unwittingly breached earnings thresholds being forced to repay millions of pounds.
Scrapping the two-child limit would be a quick and cost-effective fix for child poverty – but the benefit cap would wipe out the gains for the poorest families, research has revealed.
Welfare funding at almost three in five councils will not be replaced if an £820m hardship scheme comes to an end in September, the government has been warned.
Over 300,000 people have been pushed into poverty by rising mortgage interest rates, according to a new report warning policymakers could be misled by poverty statistics which mask the true scale of...
Local authorities are being put under unsustainable financial pressure by their duty to tackle homelessness, with some warning that the demand for temporary accommodation risks pushing them into...
Clamping down on disability benefits without a proper understanding of why the welfare bill is soaring is “risky in the extreme”, and may exacerbate poverty, a new report has warned.
A profound shift in welfare policy that has seen pensioners benefit at the expense of the working-age population has weakened the social security safety net for those most in need, according to new...
Carers could be alerted “as a matter of course” when their earnings reach the permitted threshold under changes being considered by the government to tackle the crisis in allowance overpayment.
Scotland’s devolved benefits are to come under the scrutiny of the national spending watchdog, which warned that growing expenditure on health and social security will intensify financial pressure on...
Benefits should be increased on a guaranteed basis every year as part of an overhaul to improve the consistency, transparency and accountability of the social security system, the government has been...
The Conservative Party “will always protect public services”, the chancellor insisted as he announced his ambition to cut civil service numbers back to their pre-pandemic level.
The failure to pay benefit claimants the correct level of support was a contributing factor in the National Audit Office giving a qualified opinion on the Department for Work and Pensions’ accounts.
Helping people stay above the poverty line is vital. Navigating the benefits system is complex and stressful for most people. Luckily, there are ways to make it easier.
More than half of all universal credit payments to families with children in Scotland have money deducted by the Department of Work and Pensions, including because of debt owed to public bodies,...
The Welsh government will give more than 500 people leaving care a guaranteed income of £1,600 per month for two years to help them along in their transition to adulthood.
The government will fail in its ambitions to ‘level up’ left-behind areas of the country if it does not introduce measures to address the spiralling cost of living, a think-tank has said.