An additional commissioner is likely to be sent into troubled Northamptonshire County Council after Ofsted found children’s services have “significantly declined”.
Austerity is not over for older and disabled people as a survey reveals the strain on council adult social care budgets, an umbrella group has claimed.
Amid huge uncertainty about funding services beyond 2020, councils are turning to commercial property as an income stream, but are they managing the risks? Rachel Willcox reports.
Like farmers, we need to monitor the signs carefully and plan accordingly to take control where we can and improve our odds of success, says financial adviser Bob Swarup.
By sharing data and jointly investing in new technologies, councils can improve resilience and cost-effectiveness, says CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.
Jon Blackburn tells Public Finance how Sydney Opera House is evolving to attract new audiences in a digital age, while a major renovation prepares the venue for the 21st century.
An umbrella-group has expressed disappointment Philip Hammond did not consult with local authorities before announcing in the Budget business rates relief for high street retailers.
Westminster is to end the frustrations of the past and tell local authorities their settlement for the next year on a set date, the government has announced.
Cash-strapped councils increasingly borrowing to invest in commercial properties risk local services - which are often for vulnerable people - being at the mercy of the property market, says CIPFA...
CIPFA is to work on fresh guidance over concerns councils in England are putting public funds at “unnecessary or unquantified risk” when borrowing to invest in commercial property.
The UK’s public finances are among the weakest in the world after the 2008 financial crash, behind Gambia, Uganda and Kenya, an IMF assessment of assets and liabilities has revealed.
Reports of a former minister's ‘horror’ at being given £4.2bn to digitise the NHS without any plan in place show the need for greater transparency, accountability and scrutiny of how the government...
CIPFA and the Institute for Fiscal Studies recently hosted a round tabled debate on the questions and issues thrown up by the government’s fair funding review. Vivienne Russell reports.
The cap on how much councils can borrow against their housing revenue account will be scrapped and austerity brought to an end, Theresa May announced in her speech to the Conservative Party...
Local government finances are to come under greater pressure and there will be “few winners”, a CIPFA and Institute for Government fringe at the Conservative Party conference has heard.