Local authority borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board has reached a seven-year high as cash-strapped councils increasingly invest in capital projects.
Local government must transform, innovate and work together to cope with the pressures of increased need for services with less central funding, according to two major accounting bodies.
Public private partnerships need to be managed actively and effectively throughout the life of the contract if value is to be realised, says Morag Baird of the Global Infrastructure Hub
The role of local government is changing. Commercialisation is now a necessary response to funding cuts and a new freedom to take risks, says Zurich’s Andrew Jepp
CIPFA’s proposed resilience index for English local authorities will be a “blunt instrument” that will do little to alleviate financial pressure, county chiefs have claimed.
As the public sector enters a second wave of digital development, the impact on the finance profession – on working practices, the skills and roles required – is set to pose a significant challenge.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has only a “shaky grasp” of the issues facing local authority finances, the Public Accounts Committee has claimed.
Less than half of risk professionals in public sector organisations have said there is not enough risk awareness when managing commercial projects, research has suggested.
Local authorities across Britain have shelled out at least £6.8m in three years on plane tickets, according to research released today by a campaign group.
Northamptonshire council and Public Health England have agreed that £8m will to be reinvested in public health services following a row over misspent grant, the local authority has confirmed....
Budget holders may be unable or even unwilling to accept they have financial reponsibilities. There are several ways to address this, says CIPFA’s Lisa Forster.
Wigan Council came out top not only in community engagement category at this year’s Public Finance Innovation Awards but also overall - scooping the Grand Prix prize. Vivienne Russell talks to...
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council spent 25% of its usable reserves last financial year as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire, figures out today have revealed.