With the date for the UK’s departure from the EU approaching local authorities are drawing up contingency plans. But do they have the cash to fund them? Dominic Brady investigates.
The Scottish finance secretary has defended his planned settlement for local government while stressing he is “open minded” to giving councils greater fiscal autonomy.
The government must improve its oversight of governance in local authorities as they struggle with increased financial and demand pressure, England’s spending watchdog has urged.
Northamptonshire County Council is “on the right path” and has reduced its predicted overspend for this year by almost £20m – but a shortfall of £11m remains.
The auditor general for Wales has issued public interest reports highlighting failures in financial management and governance at three community councils.
CIPFA has refined its plans for a financial resilience index for councils and is poised to rate bodies on a “suite of indicators” following a consultation with the sector.
Northamptonshire County Council will be on a “more sustainable financial footing” after using capital receipts to balance its budget this year, the government has said.
James Brokenshire has stepped in after government-appointed commissioners concluded Northamptonshire County Council was looking at the possibility of having to set an unbalanced budget this year.
Once departmental budgets are set the Treasury loses interest, says David Walker as he reflects on the NAO’s broadside at government planning and spending.
Optimism bias is a common problem that threatens local government’s financial sustainability. Risk assessments need to be credible, transparent and thoroughly stress tested, says CIPFA’s Jo Pitt.
Public systems should not be regarded as machines but as gardens that require cultivation rather than control, argues Adrian Brown of the Centre for Public Impact.
As the opportunity for efficiency savings dwindles, experts call on government to be explicit about the cost of public services. Dominic Brady reports.