It’s not sustainable to keep setting stretching financial targets for the NHS. What the health service needs is some honest dialogue about the current state of play, says Adam Wright of NHS Providers.
The need for Scottish councils to find savings is “increasingly critical” against a backdrop of reduced funding and rising demand for services, the Scotland’s public spending watchdog has said.
With austerity likely to continue, organisations need to be strong enough to build savings and stay ambitious. So they must prepare, not just patch up the piggy bank, says CIPFA’S Don Peebles.
With Sajid Javid paving the way for a small number of local authority restructures, the debate on council mergers has arisen once more. Solace’s Piali Das Gupta here gives a few...
The governance, accountability and financial management of academy trusts running schools in England “fall short”, the Public Accounts Committee has said.
A diverse group of public service experts attended a CIPFA round table discussion to consider how outsourcing can be made to work better. Vivienne Russell reports.
Northamptonshire County Council has accepted the findings of a government-commissioned report that it should be split up and two new unitary councils created.
Northamptonshire County Council should get a “new start” by being split into two separate councils following financial mismanagement, a government-commissioned inspection has said today.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is planning to consult on a statutory override to aspects of a new accounting rule intended to improve the financial reporting of investments.
The government will find it hard to increase spending on public services even if it wishes to do so, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned after yesterday’s Spring Statement.
Chancellor Philip Hammond’s hint that public spending could rise in the autumn will not help those dealing with strained budgets now, CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman has warned.
Chancellor Philip Hammond has brought forward the next business rates revaluation by a year to 2021, after which three-yearly reviews will take effect.
Scotland benefits from a diversity of opinion on its economic future, even when these predictions appear contradictory, according to the body responsible for producing the nation’s economic and...
Local authorities in England are struggling to cope with higher demands and cost pressures, according to a report from the National Audit Office out today.
After a period of growth, are council reserves beginning to dip into the danger zone? PF’s Emily Twinch looks at where the pressures are and what is behind them.
Councils must remember keeping ‘reasonable’ levels of rainy day reserves are vital in helping them stay afloat during these times of financial constraint, says CIPFA's Rob Whiteman....