Public finance professionals have a vital role to play in building trust and resilience, the Scottish Government public finance minister has told CIPFA members.
Northamptonshire County Council’s finances “remain fragile” due to a lack of robust reserves and require savings of £40m, its finance commissioner Brian Roberts has told PF.
Labour is right to identify outsourcing failures but its new policy risks creating more problems than it addresses, argues Institute for Government’s Tom Sasse.
The Spring Statement gave a hint the chancellor may be rethinking fiscal objectives, says chief economist at the Institute for Government Gemma Tetlow.
The chancellor has announced that assuming a Brexit deal is agreed and “uncertainty lifted”, he will launch a “full three-year spending review” before the summer break.
The housing, communities and local government select committee has confirmed it will scrutinise council finance - after PF reported its plans last month.
The Scottish budget has passed its final parliamentary hurdle as MSPs backed measures that will see the tax gap widen between Scotland and the rest of the UK.
The public sector ran a £15bn surplus in January – the biggest on record for that month – as a result of strong taxes coming in, official figures have revealed.
Without asking people to pay more, the government will have to rein in the public's expectations on what public services they can hope to get, says the IFG’s Graham Atkins.
A wide-reaching parliamentary inquiry is likely to be launched into local government finances, the chair of the housing, communities and local government select committee Clive Betts has revealed to...
Policing needs more money to ease the pressure on struggling officers, who are increasingly working alone at increased risk, a police association has warned.
When hard times hit, it is invariably women who are worst affected. But gender budgeting can help target public resources more effectively, CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman argues.