Sustainable management of Scotland’s public finances is at the heart of a keenly awaited report setting out the economic case for Scottish independence following the Brexit vote.
With a public distrust of taxation and how it is used, ring-fencing tax for specific purposes could simplify it and solve the problem of some people being reluctant to pay it, says Common Vision’s...
Scottish councils have turned a corner in their revenue funding allocation from the Scottish Government, with a small increase reversing a trend of decline in recent years, analysis has revealed.
The government has spent at least £239m on 26 inquiries since 2005 but does not monitor their effectiveness, the official public spending watchdog has revealed today.
The Committee of Standards in Public Life has made a timely intervention in the outsourcing debate. Its recommendations should be implemented without delay, says John Tizard.
Public sector bodies should protect themselves against the potential of highly costly fraud attacks, says ‘white collar’ crime solicitor Rahman Ravelli.
Quangos will need to “rise from the ashes” to replace “whole swathes of EU regulation” following Brexit, the Public Accounts Committee chair has predicted to PF.
The collapse of Carillion at the start of this year was “almost inevitable” given the model of outsourced service delivery pursued by successive governments, MPs said today.
The NHS and adult social care sector should work more closely together – and the latter should be funded in a similar way to the health service, local government figures have heard.
The Ministry of Defence could be more than £20bn short of the funding it needs for equipment between 2017-2027, the Public Accounts Committee warned today.
Despite a torrid first five years, Police Scotland is well positioned to balance its books and deliver improved policing to the public, according to chief finance officer James Gray.
Councils should make the effort to pay suppliers early, as this can generate income and make their area attractive to business, chief executive of Oxygen Finance Ben Jackson says.
Local authorities are struggling to repay loans as a result of a “pernicious” rule change by the Public Works Loan Board, a financial risk analysis website has said.
Councils are increasingly looking to ‘in-house’ services that previously been outsourced. Finance directors intending to do this need better information about contracts, say David Walker and John...
Are public sector finance leaders ‘digital ready’? That was the question considered at a recent CIPFA-Eduserv round table. Debate chair Jos Creese reports back.
The Treasury’s estimate of the cost of the UK’s ‘divorce’ from the European Union is reasonable but liable to prove too low, the National Audit Office has said.
A second round of councils began piloting so-called 100% rates retention this month. Neil Amin-Smith and David Phillips from the Institute for Fiscal Studies look at the financial implications of the...