In an era of spending cuts and staff redundancies, it is more important than ever to ensure that your organisation is not discriminating in theory or practice. Tim Whitworth explains how
Accounting in the public sector has had its fair share of change. Now it is the turn of internal audit, with new standards set to be published later this year
The Public Accounts Committee today called for an end to the routine use of the Private Finance Initiative to pay for public infrastructure, saying some of the private sector profits were ‘difficult...
The abolition of the Audit Commission will eventually lead to councils appointing their own auditors. Richard Johnstone looks at the lessons for audit from foundation trusts and academy schools
Last summer’s riots inflicted untold misery on individuals and businesses across England. But the views and concerns of those who suffered are now being heard loud and clear thanks to the work of...
The Public Accounts Committee today urged the Treasury to exercise greater control over Whitehall spending cuts, including setting central standards for both the planning and reporting of cost...
The Local Government Association is consulting councils on a ‘procurement pledge’ to citizens, with the aim of securing better value from the £62bn councils spend each year on goods and services.
The National Audit Office met council representatives today as part of its preparations to take over work from the soon-to-be-abolished Audit Commission.
Focusing spending on the front line is understandable in a time of scarce resources. But neglecting the information systems you need to assess policy costs and benefits can be a false economy
In straitened times, public sector leaders have to look at their services with fresh eyes. This can mean tearing up the rule book, a frightening prospect for many staff. Managers must be encouraged...
Ministers were today accused of imposing changes on public sector pensions after the Treasury said negotiations had concluded for all but the local government scheme.
It used to be hard to gather all the information needed for monitoring and planning services. But now we’re in the Big Data Era, things are set to change
Public services are ‘at risk of failure’ unless the civil service changes quickly and develops better financial management skills, the Institute for Government has warned.
Delegation done badly can cause frustration, demotivation and failure. Done well it can help you, your staff and your organisation. Pam Jones shows you how to let go and lighten the load