Wales’ new auditor general has worked in the country for 20 years but Dominic Brady finds out it is his exposure to political systems further afield that inform his view of a sustainable future.
Managers have a vital role to play in promoting day-to-day health and wellbeing at work and supporting a cultural shift that will benefit both individuals and the organisation, writes CIPFA’s...
Is the £10m project to tackle drugs and violence in 10 UK prisons likely to prove worthwhile or is it scratching the surface of the problem? Kim Thomas finds out.
Amyas Morse stepped down as the head of the National Audit Office at the end of last month. Emily Twinch looks at his tenure and speaks to colleagues about his success.
The higher education sector faces unprecedented turmoil but the huge range of funding models means some institutions are better placed than others to weather the storm. Rachel Willcox reports.
As austerity measures, commercialisation and rapid change force local government into difficult decisions, a strong code of conduct becomes ever more important, CIPFA’s Kim Woods writes.
Human trafficking rates are exploding, yet many public sector bodies know little about the Modern Slavery Act and the responsibilities it places on them. Dominic Brady reports.
Local authority pothole cash, the army and apprenticeship figures and areas that have seen the biggest wage rises - all in the Numbers Game from the April 2019 edition of Public...
When you want to take the next step, it pays to stop and think about personal changes you could make that might help your progression. Hult International Business School’s Viki Holton gives advice....
Can an integrated approach to how NHS organisations work – both with each other and local authorities – help it to better manage income and demand for services? Alison Moore reports.
Few would question the aims of universal credit – to deliver a more streamlined welfare system that pays benefits directly to claimants. But a series of funding cuts and failings mean it may never...
It may be that your organisation has no option but to change, however there are ways to make the process positive, productive and relatively pain-free, says CIPFA’s Brendan McCarron.
Ministers have laid the foundations for a new era in council housebuilding and say it is up to authorities to deliver. What plans are afoot, and are councils ready to step up? Neil Merrick...
Each year, disengaged workers cost the UK economy up to £60bn, and there is a correlation with performance. Ashridge Business School’s Dr Amy Armstrong looks at how to get your team all moving in the...
Thanks to all of you who played our Christmas quiz. Congratulations go to our winner, Jonathan Tymms of Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group, who achieved a perfect score and wins £150 in M&S...
Between financial controversies and more fundamental questions about sustainability, the academies sector is crying out for transparency, writes Rachel Willcox.
With the date for the UK’s departure from the EU approaching local authorities are drawing up contingency plans. But do they have the cash to fund them? Dominic Brady investigates.
An organisation can only be as good as the people that work there, so make sure yours are topping up their talent and maximise your return on investment with these tips from CIPFA’s Brendan McCarron.
Between cuts and process inefficiencies, there is a strong case for bringing criminal justice into the digital age. But with the system already at breaking point the jury is out on the odds of...