With a third of the workforce likely to face challenges to their mental health, a caring culture can protect your most important asset while also boosting employee engagement, writes Hult...
Treasury management takes a new turn as local authorities knit investment strategy with local growth, social and regeneration ambitions. Karen Day reports.
As more and more councils recognise the severity of the climate crisis and devise ways to tackle it with support from residents, cost becomes a pivotal issue. Neil Merrick reports.
Louise Tickle looks at why, when the The Children Act 1989 continues to be described as visionary, so many children are still waiting for the protections it prescribed three decades ago.
Mediterranean migration down 31%, developing countries burdened by $7.8trn debt and France’s sweeping tax cut plans - all in Numbers Game from the November 2019 edition of...
The UK ranks close to the bottom of a European engagement survey, displaying high levels of active disengagement but teamwork could offer a reset, writes Hult International Business School’s Dr...
Peter Hetherington looks at whether county councils have missed a trick in failing to exploit agricultural land that could represent a solid, long-term investment.
Kim Thomas looks at whether the solution to the puzzle of widespread project management failures lie in what happens before schemes even get off the ground.
Investment might be flowing into local areas but poverty and inequality persist. ‘New municipalism’ is a term that has emerged as an answer to improving local economic development. Dominic Brady...
Japan to fund ‘futuristic’ projects, Central America targets malaria and the Irish seek debt reduction - all in Numbers Game from the October 2019 edition of Public Finance magazine.
Diversity of thought is the driving force of innovation but healthy conflict can easily tip over into dysfunctional disputes unless managers develop the skills and confidence to facilitate open...
Rising global hunger, aid shortfalls and baby foods full of sugar - all in the Numbers Game from the September 2019 edition of Public Finance magazine.
In an increasingly ‘fake believe’ world, truth is power, and organisations need to find a way to connect to the unauthorised version of reality if they are to thrive. But speaking truth to power can...
Edinburgh City Council’s plans for Britain’s first visitor levy have divided local opinion and are creating tensions in the wider tourism industry. Peter Hetherington examines the pros and cons of...
Dogged by scandals and a donations slump, clarity on operations and use of funds is vital if the charity sector is to win back public confidence. Rachel Willcox reports.
Global tax avoidance, Italy’s deteriorating public finances and New Zealand’s ‘landmark well-being budget’ - all in the Numbers Game from the July-August 2019 edition of Public Finance...
With no end to austerity in sight, adult social care in meltdown and GP surgeries under severe strain, prioritising prevention may seem impossible but it’s the only way to secure long-term...
In uncertain times, one of the few certainties is that leaders are going to need to be agile. Traditional training models may no longer be the best fit but there are ways to prepare for the unknown....
There was a time when local markets were stalling, but local councils are starting to recognise that they could offer a way to boost a local economy and reverse high street decline. Kim Thomas...
Inter-American Development Bank funds efforts to ease Latin American migrant tensions, charities call for increased public health investment and criticism over delays to cladding removal after the...