The Pensions Bill has been passed into law bringing the introduction of a simple, single flat-rate state pension ‘a step closer’, the Department for Work and Pensions said.
MPs have warned there is uncertainty over how the Department for Work and Pensions will tackle fraud once the flagship Universal Credit benefit reform is introduced.
Labour has called on the government to clarify when benefit claimants are required to take a job with a zero-hours contract after warnings that those out of work could face sanctions if they turned...
People should be given a window of several years during which they can start receiving the state pension, consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers have suggested.
The government’s abolition of support payments to employers who have to pay out a large proportion of their wage bill on sick pay will make it harder to meet Chancellor George Osborne’s target for...
Jobseekers, carers, single parents and disabled people are being pushed further into poverty because of the government’s welfare changes, a report has claimed today.
The government should levy a windfall tax worth around £450m on payday loan firms and use the money to support an expansion of other forms of credit, the Institute for Public Policy Research said...
Uncertainty over when the computer systems needed to implement the government’s flagship Universal Credit benefit reform programme will be ready mean the implementation deadline could be missed, MPs...
Migrants arriving in the UK will have to wait for three months before they can apply for either Child Benefit or Child Tax Credit, under reforms being introduced by the Treasury from July
Rising levels of employment mean that the time is right to increase the obligations on jobseekers to prepare themselves for finding work, employment minister Esther McVey has said.
The government is not on track to meet its target to improve the lives of 120,000 troubled families before the next general election, the Public Accounts Committee has warned.
The government’s changes to Housing Benefit, including the introduction of the so-called bedroom tax, are causing financial hardship to vulnerable people, MPs have warned today
Chancellor George Osborne has committed the government to a goal of full employment and said job creation would now form a central plank of the coalition’s economic plan.
The Department for Work and Pensions has terminated its contract with private firm Atos to undertake controversial fit-for-work assessments of people receiving incapacity benefits.
Chancellor George Osborne’s pension reforms will bring in a short-term boost for the public finances but have been criticised for a lack of consultation and long-term modelling of their impact.
Welfare spending across 26 benefits, including elements of the Universal Credit, is to be capped at £119.5bn from 2015/16, Chancellor George Osborne has announced
Delays in assessing people for the new disability benefits are unacceptably long, with some claims taking more than six months to process, MPs said today.
Local council tax support schemes introduced following the government’s welfare reforms have reduced work incentives in some part of the country, the Public Accounts Committee has found.
Labour’s job guarantee for young people will be fully funded for the duration of the next Parliament through a levy on bankers’ bonuses and a cut in pension tax relief, the party said today
The government is set to miss its savings target from the new disability benefits because of a massive backlog in the assessment process, auditors said today
The government’s decision to scrap emergency welfare funding for local authorities could leave vulnerable people facing crises such as homelessness or domestic abuse without emergency assistance,...
Welfare reform minister Lord Freud has insisted the government’s controversial Universal Credit benefit is being rolled out in a ‘safe and controlled’ way after confirming the extension of the reforms