First Minister Alex Salmond has promised Scottish voters that a publicly owned National Health Service, free at the point of delivery and prioritised according to clinical need, would be entrenched...
The UK unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level in nearly six years following a 132,000 drop in the number of people out of work in the second quarter of the year, the Office for National...
European Union migrants will be unable to claim Jobseekers’ Allowance in the UK for more than three months under plans announced by Prime Minister David Cameron.
The government has been urged to work more effectively with charities and service users when designing outsourcing contracts to ensure the ‘waste and inefficiency’ of the Work Programme is not...
MPs have called for a fundamental redesign of benefits designed to help people with health problems and disabilities back into work, warning that flaws in the current system ‘grave’.
The enhancement paid to people who choose to put off claiming the state pension when they reach the pension age is to be cut by almost half, the government has announced.
Jobcentres are not very effective at helping people find work and their services should be opened up to private and third-sector suppliers, the Policy Exchange think-tank said today.
The Liberal Democrats have pledged to reform the controversial bedroom tax so that claimants are only penalised if they turn down suitable alternative accommodation.
The new chair of the Local Government Association has called for councils to be given new powers to coordinate local employment support after warning that millions could be left without suitable work...
The Department for Work and Pensions has been told by auditors that it must take action to better understand why there are overpayments in some welfare benefits after its accounts were qualified for...
Low pay costs the public purse between £3.6bn and £6bn every year in tax credits to boost wages and the government should encourage employers to pay the Living Wage to reduce this subsidy, a report...
Introduction of the Personal Independence Payment for disabled people has been ‘nothing short of a fiasco’ that has let down some of the most vulnerable people in society, MPs have said today.
The Department for Work and Pensions has successfully introduced its new scheme for child maintenance payments, but its savings target could be at risk if the number of parents intending to reach...
Ed Miliband has announced that a future Labour government would replace Jobseekers’ Allowance for those aged under 21 with a new means-tested youth allowance, conditional on recipients undertaking...
The Audit Commission has called on councils to improve the quality of claims made for Whitehall grants or subsidies after finding one-third of all returns were qualified in 2012/13, including 78% of...
The number of people working in the public sector has fallen to its lowest level in 16 years after the part-privatisation of Lloyds Banking Group led to nearly 100,000 posts being reclassified in the...
Scottish Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has welcomed a report from a panel of experts calling for an independent Scotland to raise the minimum wage, inflation-link benefits, scrap the ‘bedroom...
There has been a 14% rise in the number of people who are facing debt problems as a result of paying back tax credits that were overpaid, Citizens Advice has said. However, the government insisted...
A future Labour government would increase the number of people auto-enrolled in workplace pension schemes in a bid to cut the amount spent on old age benefits, shadow work and pensions secretary...
Council tax arrears is now the biggest single debt problem reported to the Citizens Advice Bureau following government reforms that localised the support scheme for the tax, it has been revealed.
Labour has proposed linking the National Minimum Wage to average earnings in a bid to cut the cost of low pay to the public finances, estimated at more than £3.2bn.