The Post Office did not conceal its anger at the government's announcement this week that it is scrapping the £500m benefits card project as was widely suggested two weeks ago but denied by the...
Home Secretary Jack Straw this week committed Britain to accepting 1,000 Kosovar refugees a week and promised local authorities that the government will foot the bill.
Moves to streamline the housing benefit system are being stepped up after evidence that delays in processing claims is the major cause of rent arrears.
Serious financial irregularities at a further education college in Cheshire could be occurring in colleges across the country, the National Audit Office warned this week.
Business and local government joined forces this week in last- ditch attempts to persuade the government to include Best Value legislation in next month's Queen's speech.
Chancellor Gordon Brown has denied that the worldwide crisis in financial markets and the possibility of a UK recession threaten the government's extra funding commitments on health and education.
More than £1m has been received by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) in compensation for 46 of its members who were encouraged to leave the Teachers' Pension Scheme for private pensions.
Fundamental changes to welfare reform are likely to be deferred again because of a backlog of legislation that is to be included in the Queen's speech later this year.
Local government minister Hilary Armstrong has urged councils to refurbish rather than build new homes with the new money from the Comprehensive Spending Review.
The NHS Executive is to clamp down on health authorities and trusts that do not put enough cash aside to cover clinical negligence claims against them.