Collaboration is driving decarbonisation across the public and private sectors, a minister has said as the Net Zero Council reached its first anniversary.
The UK’s two intellectual powerhouses are turning bold ideas into solutions to solve the climate crisis and public sector funding pressures together. PF investigates.
Climate change and the pursuit of net zero pose a profound threat to Scotland’s public finances, and it could face a disproportionate impact compared with England, the Scottish Fiscal Commission has...
Oxfordshire County Council chief executive Martin Reeves explains why unlocking the investment needed to deliver environmental activity at scale is critical to every decision-maker in the public...
Carbon reduction commitments already play a role in the assessment of public sector suppliers, but for this to genuinely shift the dial towards net zero, we all need to improve how we understand,...
Norse Consulting’s senior director Daniella Barrow warns that achieving net zero is not going to be easy, and that councils risk resources not being available to meet the challenge.
Public backing for local emissions-cutting initiatives is faltering, posing the country’s ambitious local government sector a challenge, research has suggested.
CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman introduces the 13th edition of PF Perspectives, which features 10 essays covering the financial impacts of meeting UN net zero targets.
Councils’ ability to contribute to the government’s climate ambitions is being hampered by “piecemeal” funding and a lack of clarity around their role, according to the National Audit Office.
New procurement rules will require all bidders for central government contracts to have signed plans to reduce their net carbon emissions to zero by 2050.
Local authorities have an important role to play in the UK’s goal to hit net-zero carbon emissions. But amid a flurry of ambitious pledges, Rachel Willcox asks whether they have bitten...