CIPFA has welcomed a strong set of results by students sitting for both its professional qualification and the institute’s new public audit qualification.
The Department for Communities and Local Government’s new permanent secretary should ensure that mature debate should replace rhetoric and spin that can emanate from Whitehall
Councils face a 6% cut in spending power next year once ring-fenced funds and pooled resources are excluded from the Local Government Finance Settlement, an analysis by CIPFA has found.
Local authority chief finance officers are becoming less confident about the ability of their organisations to continue providing services amid government funding cuts, a CIPFA poll has revealed.
The Audit Commission’s controller of audit has raised concerns about transparency at Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority and the London Borough of Lambeth after they failed to publish their 2013/14...
Chancellor George Osborne’s Autumn Statement did not provide any explanation of how public services will be able to deliver cuts still to be made, CIPFA has said.
A former Scottish Government cabinet minister has called for a restructuring of Scottish local government and other public bodies in response to plans to devolve significant extra powers to Holyrood.
Councils should be given the right to set business rates and retain any growth in income, while Whitehall should lose its current redistribution powers, the Local Government Association has said.
CIPFA is to launch a Global Fraud Risk Register to help public sectors across the world improve efforts to tackle fraud threats, and to identify and react to emerging problems.
What does CIPFA want from the political parties come May 2015? Some honesty about the fiscal position, for starters – and realism about the hard choices to be made
CIPFA has launched a one-stop-shop for finance professionals and accountable officers working in academies to access best practice and guidance to help them manage public resources.
The digital revolution means the ways we communicate are fragmenting. So how do employers and staff talk to each other, and how should we use social media to tell the outside world about what we...
The shocking events in Rotherham bring to the fore some very serious issues for local authority and other public sector leaders. Getting the right answers demands that the right questions are asked.
Fraud risks are becoming more challenging and complex yet much of the counter-fraud architecture has disappeared. Vivienne Russell reports on a CIPFA initiative to bridge the gap.
The Charity Commission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator have today appointed CIPFA to support updates to the Statement of Recommended Practice that applies across the third sector.
The next government must seize the opportunity to devolve financial powers to city regions in England, the Commons’ local government select committee has recommended.