The government should learn to do less and pass power back down to citizens, former Liberal Democrat leader Lord Ashdown told the CIPFA conference in Liverpool last week.
Video - Lord Paddy Ashdown talks to Public Finance about a new great reform act, the economic crisis and empowering local government at the CIPFA Conference 2012 in Liverpool.
Ministers must set out ‘quickly’ how they will respond to failing public services in the new environment of increased competition and spending restraint, auditor general Amyas Morse has said.
Barclays is unlikely to have acted alone in its manipulation of the London Interbank Offered Rate and there is ‘a lot more to come’, according to the former deputy governor of the Bank of England,...
A summary of the Whole of Government Accounts for 2010/11 is due to be published next week and the full audited accounts in October, the Treasury official responsible revealed yesterday
People might have to pay for some NHS services once the health and social care systems are integrated, the deputy director of the Reform think-tank told CIPFA conference delegates
A continuing rise in the UK deficit could increase government borrowing costs if bond markets fear the coalition is ‘losing control’, journalist Paul Mason told CIPFA’s annual conference today.
The public’s desire to simultaneously have lower taxes and better public services is just one example of the ‘broken political discourse’ that needs urgently to be addressed, RSA chief executive...
The quality of government reporting, auditing and financial management is the biggest challenge facing the public finance profession right now, the new CIPFA president told the conference this...
The 2012 CIPFA conference begins in Liverpool this week. Speakers include Newsnight’s economics editor Paul Mason, campaigner and TV producer Phil Redmond.
Abolition of the Audit Commission will change the way council spending is scrutinised just as funding pressures increase. But the National Audit Office will help the sector steer clear of the dangers...
Sir Tony Redmond could have been a dancer but chose a career in local government instead. Dancing’s loss was accountancy’s gain, and now he is taking on a fresh challenge – becoming CIPFA president...
Sir John Gieve has been there, done that, seen the blood on the carpet. The former Bank of England deputy governor talks to Judy Hirst about lessons from the last financial crash, the eurozone crisis...
After dominating television for more than 30 years, Phil Redmond is creating some live dramas of his own in his home city of Liverpool. He talks to PF about culture, cohesion and council bureaucracy
Last summer’s riots inflicted untold misery on individuals and businesses across England. But the views and concerns of those who suffered are now being heard loud and clear thanks to the work of...