04 August 2006
Social landlords are not building enough homes in London and the north of England, new figures reveal.
In spite of landlords building 36,386 homes in England in 2005/06, regional targets were missed in London, the Northeast and Northwest.
According to the Housing Corporation's annual report, laid before Parliament on July 24, the shortfall is partly due to complex regeneration schemes in the Northwest, but the performance of housing associations will be closely examined during 2006/07.
The corporation is less concerned about London, where the 10,348 homes built last year was just 85 below target.
The report blames 'extended contractual negotiations' for the modest take-up of grants by private developers in a pilot scheme prior to the launch of the National Affordable Housing Programme this spring.
The report also shows that registered social landlords brought 35,280 homes up to the decent homes standard in 2005/06.
However, the number of non-decent homes owned by RSLs rose by 11,456, due to houses that were taken over by them following stock transfers from councils.