More homes must be built in cities outside London if the government is to meet its target of achieving the strongest economic growth in the G7, according to a leading think-tank.
Government plans to house asylum seekers in barges and former military sites will cost £46m more than continuing to use hotels, according to a report from the National Audit Office.
The government must provide authorities with enough funding to boost housebuilding, councils have said, in response to a report that warned the private sector will be unable to fix the housing crisis...
Rising interest rates and government restrictions on commercial developments have prompted Mid Devon District Council to begin winding down a housing subsidiary.
Long-term funding and better Home Office communication is needed to improve work to house asylum seekers in England, according to the officers leading local responses.
It’s time to halt the merry-go-round of ministers and better resource local planning departments so we can focus on the country’s housing need, writes Jonathan Pearson.
The shift to hybrid working has left North Somerset Council’s primary office mostly empty, and the authority is considering demolishing the building to make way for a new housing development.
Debt-ridden Slough Borough Council has decided to sell three pieces of land owned by a joint-venture company because it believes developing them would add too much to its already-high borrowing.
A council in south west England will borrow up to £10m to fund “critical” temporary accommodation to house homeless families amid the cost-of-living crisis.
Levelling up minister Michael Gove has suggested that the government could fail to hit its manifesto pledge to provide 300,000 new homes a year by 2025.
Proposals to abolish section 106 charges in favour of a new infrastructure tax could disincentivise investment in poorer regions, working against 'levelling up', according to experts....
A housing subsidiary to which Cambridgeshire County Council has loaned £114m is at risk of failing to deliver on its business case, according to an independent report.