Councils in England could receive grants to offset landfill tax costs when redeveloping brownfield and contaminated land, in a move the government hopes could help transform underused and derelict...
Councils’ ability to contribute to the government’s climate ambitions is being hampered by “piecemeal” funding and a lack of clarity around their role, according to the National Audit Office.
The government has committed to publishing its Green Financing Framework, which will set out new criteria for funding of its forthcoming green bonds, by the end of this month.
A group of experts has begun work to help create a set of standards for green investment in the UK, with sustainability becoming increasingly important for investors, including in the public sector.
Tackling climate change and achieving our ambitious target of net-zero emissions requires a step change across our society and economy, says Lord Agnew, government minister for efficiency and...
Councils will get just £300m extra to help low-income households make their homes more efficient after the government abandoned a £1.5bn grants scheme with a similar aim after just six months.
Cost controls at the Renewable Heating Incentive, which led to the collapse of the Stormont government in 2017, fell by the wayside, according to the inquiry into the scheme.
The government has promised an ‘electric vehicle revolution’ by 2040 to tackle the climate emergency, but building an infrastructure to support this may be easier said than done, PJ White reports.
The UK should commit to spending £20bn to the UN climate fund until 2030 to pay its “fair share” based on the country’s historical contribution to carbon emissions, a think-tank has urged.
Local authorities may be forced to charge for the collection of garden waste and bulky items if funding levels continue to fall, environmental services managers have warned.
Public concerns over the environment have risen sharply over the last year, with four fifths of the population backing new government action to combat climate change.
A greater proportion of government revenue should be raised through taxes on activities that can have a socially harmful effect, says Bright Blue’s Patrick Hall.
Lawyers from an environmental charity are writing to 100 councils in England to remind them of their legal obligations to include carbon reduction targets in their Local Plans.
Public sector bodies must band together to tackle climate change as it is them who will pay the price for the effects of a climate disaster, delegates at CIPFA’s annual conference have been told.
Local authorities are being urged to restrict traffic around schools after a study in London found “relatively high levels” of air pollution inside classrooms, posing a risk to children’s health.