11 April 2008
Social landlords built more homes than expected over the past two years, Housing Corporation figures reveal.
A total of 87,569 properties were built via the 2006/08 National Affordable Housing Programme compared with a target of 84,000.
This included 50,419 for rent (against a target of 49,000) and 37,150 for affordable sale (against 35,000).
The 2006/08 programme was the first open to private developers, although most grants went to housing associations. Announcing the figures on April 8, the corporation said the main reason the targets were exceeded was the success of partnering deals with large associations.
Corporation chair Peter Dixon hailed the results as its best ever, pointing out that the number of new homes rose by 21,000, or 31%, compared with the 2004/06 programme, while Treasury support only increased by £600,000, or 18%, to £3.9bn.
'We have shown how we can deliver to the highest level,' said Dixon.