A Welsh council breached procurement laws on two occasions over a waste management contract with a subsidiary company, a spending watchdog has concluded.
Suffolk County Council has agreed a £700m joint-venture with property developer Lovell Partnerships, to provide almost 3,000 homes over a 15-year period.
A West Midlands borough council failed to follow its own procedures when awarding SEND transport contracts and will likely need to restart the procurement process to avoid possible legal challenge.
The chief executive of audit firm KPMG has apologised for misleading the Financial Reporting Council during a quality review of an audit of financial statements produced by former...
More than 100 local authorities will press ahead with a High Court claim for hundreds of millions of pounds in compensation from truck manufacturers which the European Commission ruled...
The Cabinet Office has dropped proposals for some changes to post-Brexit procurement processes, after councils complained that they need the ability to tailor contracts for health and...
The Competition Markets Authority says a proposed merger between two waste management companies could inflate costs, reduce competition and lower the quality of local authority services.
Nottingham City Council’s internal audit department has criticised the authority’s procurement processes, after financial regulations were waived on more than 20 occasions.
MPs have slammed the Ministry of Defence for “repeatedly wasting taxpayers’ money” by failing to improve its procurement system, which the UK depends on for national security.
Accountancy firm Grant Thornton has been fined more than £700,000 by the Financial Reporting Council for serious failures connected to its auditing of outsourcing firm Interserve.
Liverpool City Council has formally terminated a highways development contract after the construction firm carrying out the works went into administration.
An over-budget highways project by Liverpool City Council has suffered a double whammy after its developer entered administration and budget estimates soared.
The Financial Reporting Council has filed a formal complaint against accountancy firm KPMG, in relation to allegations of supplying false and misleading information to the regulator's review of...
Suspected form tampering and safeguarding concerns led a Midlands authority to cancel a contract with a SEND home-to-school transport supplier with two weeks until the start of term.
Proposed public procurement reforms risk restricting local organisations' freedom to decide how best to pursue social value in their area, according to a Parliamentary committee.
The government must focus on six key topics to ensure its 'levelling-up' agenda is successful, says Nigel Wilcock, executive director of the Institute of Economic Development.
The National Audit Office has consulted with local and national government on a new good practice guide, learning the lessons for procurement from Covid-19, explains Matthew Rees.
Two important new documents provide the basis for stronger and more efficient public sector procurement as we emerge from Covid-19, says Crown Commercial Service chief executive Simon Tse.
UK government schemes to help with energy efficiency in homes need long-term commitment to allow the supply chain to respond, a procurement expert said.
Powys County Council has agreed to wind down a housing maintenance joint-venture next year, halfway through the original contract term, and insource the services.
Somerset County Council has approved plans to develop a £70m strategic partnership to provide 10 children care and foster homes, in a bid to reduce reliance on private operators.