Independent analysis of procurement bids received by Transport for London would help ensure projects provide value for money, a scrutiny body has said, adding that it could help the Greater London...
A London council has agreed a multi-million-pound settlement following a legal dispute over cladding fitted during refurbishments to a private finance initiative housing estate.
A council in the south of England is set to reverse a decision to terminate an energy contract, after its supplier’s link to the Russian government ended.
A group of MPs has criticised the government’s procurement at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, which they say has left officials needing to burn billions of pounds worth of surplus or faulty...
An English council is set to terminate a property management joint venture after an independent review found the business offered “limited value” to the authority.
The government is set to amend legislation so that local authorities can exit contracts with Russian companies, ensuring public funds do not contribute to the nation’s “barbaric war machine”.
The Financial Reporting Council has fined accountancy firm KPMG £14.4m after finding it provided false and misleading information to its review of the firm's audit of collapsed public...
Liverpool City Council is set to pay a further £4.5m for its electricity this year, after delays meant it failed to agree a contract before its supplier suspended commercial services.
The Financial Reporting Council has fined accountancy firm Deloitte over material misstatements in the 2016 financial statements of outsourcing company Mitie.
A lack of contract management skills at Southend-on-Sea City Council contributed to failures by its special educational needs and disability transport services, according to an internal...
External auditors have criticised North Norfolk District Council' weak internal control measures and failing to comply with its financial regulations over the commissioning of an independent review.
The government has spent almost £3bn on personal protective equipment not fit for purpose, and is currently disputing another £2.7bn of payments with suppliers, according to the National Audit...
Guidance released today advises public bodies to exit contracts with Russian suppliers, but PF has learnt that local authorities might have to wait until after Easter until they get legal powers to...
The Ministry of Defence’s £5.5bn plan to update the British Army’s ageing tank fleet is under threat due to an ongoing a dispute about the condition of replacement vehicles, according to the National...
Local government legislation restricting the role of politics in procurement decision-making provide a tough hurdle for councils hoping to ending contracts with Russian energy giant...
At least 12 UK public bodies – including eight local authorities – have major active energy supply contracts with Russian energy company Gazprom as the sole supplier, PF research...
Liverpool City Council will now look for its contracts to deliver wider economic benefits after the authority recognised it has so far “not consistently delivered meaningful social value through its...