A strategic transport network for the whole UK is likely to garner more support if funding is not taken from existing devolved budgets, according to interim findings by a government-commissioned...
The newly announced UK Infrastructure Bank will offer £4bn of loan to authorities at the same interest cost as local infrastructure rates formerly offered through the Public Works Loan Board.
A new Treasury campus in Darlington, the location of eight ‘freeports’ and details of how local authorities can bid for a £4.8bn infrastructure fund are among a series of Budget measures aimed at ‘...
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs was unable to provide evidence that the value of flood barriers and other infrastructure was not misstated in its 2019-20 accounts, according to...
Proposed cuts to government funding for public transport body Transport for the North would “undermine levelling-up” and put planned improvement works at risk, according to the group’s finance chief.
A mechanism to give private investors control of public nuclear projects is still considered a “credible basis” for funding the sector, the government said today as it launched its energy white paper.
The Scottish Government is to pump an additional £200m of funding into its Affordable Housing Supply Programme next year, to help the construction sector’s recovery from Covid-19.
The government has announced it is to allocate £220m of pilot funding to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund next year, to help local areas prepare for the full launch of the fund.
The government is to launch a national infrastructure bank next year, as part of its National Infrastructure Strategy aimed at driving the levelling-up agenda.
The UK government's planning white paper underestimates the complex relationship between new homes and the communities they are built in, says Dr Alison Knight.
The NHS will need to continue to derive value from costly infrastructure investments made during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers.
The long-awaited white paper outlining plans for further devolution in councils across England is set to be delayed, according the head of the UK2070 Commission.
Infrastructure investment is seen as vital to post-pandemic recovery, but is it possible to provide a public transport network without the passenger numbers to fund it?