Housing should be considered infrastructure along with roads and rail to help solve the shortfall in UK homes, a housing association director has told the Labour conference.
Rising global hunger, aid shortfalls and baby foods full of sugar - all in the Numbers Game from the September 2019 edition of Public Finance magazine.
A government scheme to “turbo charge” private investment in developing countries’ infrastructure projects has been criticised as making an “opportunity” out of human suffering.
A survey by NHS Providers of 143 trust leaders in England found that 82% think that restrictions on capital funding pose a medium or high risk to patient safety.
To address concerns around NHS estates and equipment, and deliver on the NHS long-term plan, the NHS needs a long-term commitment to capital funding, says the Health Foundations’ Josh...
Nearly 100,000 miles of markings on British roads will be mapped by “cutting-edge” artificial intelligence to make them safer, the government has announced.
Around three fifths of those who bought a home through the Help to Buy scheme would have been able to buy a property without the government’s help, according to the National Audit Office.
The council that is home to one of England’s key commercial ports is pinning its hopes on central government funding to ensure it can cope with Brexit pressures.
Many redevelopment schemes in the UK put the onus on corporate profit at the cost of local communities but other countries show there is another way, argues Genevieve Maitland Hudson of Social...
A major boost to capital spending and legislation to establish a publicly owned investment bank will be at the core of the Scottish Government’s plans for the coming year.
Councils and motoring organisations have called for long-term and consistent funding for local road maintenance after a survey highlighted an increasing number of pothole-related incidents.
Local authorities need to put in place 25-year infrastructure plans to deliver economic and social benefits, Lord Andrew Adonis told the CIPFA conference yesterday.
Local authorities are demanding that the government clarifies how it will fund infrastructure after the UK loses billions of pounds from the European Investment Bank following Brexit.