Councils could speed up infrastructure and affordable housing delivery by borrowing against its proposed new infrastructure levy according to the government’s consultation on planning reform.
Proposed planning reforms announced today could raise more money for affordable homes and infrastructure by replacing the current system of developer contributions, according to the government.
The upcoming Spending Review will be driven by speeding up decision-making through the greater use of data, according to chief secretary to the Treasury Steve Barclay.
Ratings agency Standard and Poor’s has downgraded the credit rating of an NHS hospital Private Finance Initiative company after identifying “strained relationships” with its commissioning trust.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies has voiced worries over a lack of detail from government on the Shared Prosperity Fund, expected to replace European Union structural funds from next year.
Thurrock Council has rejected concerns raised in the Financial Times over its investment strategy, which has seen it borrow more than £1bn from other councils.
Boris Johnson’s infrastructure promise offers a one-dimensional approach to helping public services recover from the shock of Covid-19, argues Chris Thomas.
Tuesday’s government announcement of infrastructure improvements will lead to more than £3bn extra spending this year relative to the Budget, according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies.
The UK will need a job protection scheme to respond to the highest unemployment since the early 1990s, according to a report from think-tank the Resolution Foundation.
London mayor Sadiq Khan has asked GLA Group members to consider recruitment freezes, spending cuts and the use of reserves as he seeks to deliver £500m of savings due to the financial hit from Covid-...
Liverpool City Council has submitted a £1.4bn post coronavirus recovery fund to the government, aimed to prevent a socio-economic crisis deeper than the 1980s recession.
Northern Ireland’s economic recovery from Covid-19 is predicted to be a “long-term endeavour” and likely take longer than the rest of the UK and Ireland, according to a report from think-tank Pivotal...
Former chancellor Sajid Javid has urged the government to review the current tax system to help reinvigorate the economy in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, including cutting employers’ National...
A reform of the tax system could raise an additional £11bn a year to help fund public services post Covid-19, according to a report from the London School of Economics and Warwick University.
Almost all of adult social care directors feel they require additional funding to help them cope with Covid-19, according to a survey from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Care.
The Public Accounts Committee has called on the Department for Education to set out a clear roadmap for University Technical Colleges, after a report found that UTCs were only operating at 45% of...
Ralph Sangster, cabinet member for Resources and Performance at Hertfordshire County Council tells PF how the authority is coping with the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and what it...