Social landlords that provide temporary accommodation have been assured that housing benefit will not be replaced with a new allowance paid directly to the tenant.
Hundreds of new trains operating on Britain's rail network have proved less reliable than the old slam-door rolling stock due for abolition, MPs have reported.
Scottish ministers are to gain control of the rail network north of the border in what has been described as the most significant devolution of powers since the creation of the Scottish Parliament in...
Britain's rail network will 'inevitably' be taken back into state control, MPs and union leaders argued this week as Labour set out its transport vision for the next three decades.
A national 'pay-as-you-drive' scheme to fund Britain's roads could replace a combination of road, vehicle licensing and fuel taxes within two decades, the government has announced.
Rail regulator Tom Winsor has proposed wide-ranging dispute resolution arrangements for the industry, aimed at preventing a repeat of the legal rows with train operators that followed the 2000...
Network Rail chief executive John Armitt this week claimed the economic benefit of effectively
renationalising track maintenance would be £70m per year, and dismissed claims that the much-maligned...
The prospect of fire strikes flared up again this week as the Fire Brigades Union agreed to suspend its conference and pull out of the proposed modernisation programme.
Transport ministers need to work harder to encourage local authorities and private firms to invest in light rail systems if the ten-year Transport Plan targets are to be met, government auditors said...
Network Rail and the Strategic Rail Authority must be scrapped and a new public sector agency combining both functions set up to end the chaos on Britain's railways, MPs have demanded.
Whitehall's union leaders have asked ministers to clarify the nature and extent of job cuts and relocations urgently, following the Lyons review and the chancellor's Budget statement.
The Treasury is determined to monitor Whitehall departments to ensure that extra investment reaches the front line and is not held up in overrunning capital projects, Chancellor Gordon Brown warned...
In these times of thrift, it is perhaps ironic that the public sector has turned towards a British institution synonymous with risk to solve its financial conundrums: the City of London.
Public Accounts Committee chair Edward Leigh has castigated the Strategic Rail Authority for a 'catalogue of blunders' in its attempts to introduce new modern trains to the network.
Big government spending departments are being urged to remove unnecessary bureaucracy and confusion between agencies to ensure that cash for the public services reaches the front line.
London motorists who obstruct traffic flows by blocking box junctions or disregarding one-way signs will have to hand over £100 fines to local authorities from April.
The rail industry review announced this week has been hailed as a much-needed dose of common sense by stakeholders and commentators, in spite of an absence of detail.
The Department for Transport has emphatically dismissed claims that it scrapped a Strategic Rail Authority report highlighting chronic underinvestment in the rail infrastructure.
Plans to further centralise control of Britain's rail network could bring an end to the 'messianic individual' approach to regulation, which hinders effective co-ordination across the sector, a...
The Audit Commission waded into the bitter council tax row this week with research laying the blame for England's 12.9% average rise in the tax on the government's poor funding system and its...