The “inefficient” competitive bidding processes for transport funding should be replaced with a block grant system to ensure improvements are made, a House of Lords Committee has said.
As towns and cities strive to reduce emissions and accommodate a growing shift to electric vehicles, a new challenge has emerged to deliver sufficient chargepoints to meet demand – with some regions...
It is a battle that is being fought all over the world – with varying success. How can we raise our efforts to keep vehicles out of towns and cities, cutting traffic and creating cleaner air?
Rating agency Moody’s has downgraded Transport for London’s credit rating for the third time since the onset of Covid-19, partly down to ongoing uncertainty over long-term funding.
A West Midlands borough council failed to follow its own procedures when awarding SEND transport contracts and will likely need to restart the procurement process to avoid possible legal challenge.
The government’s 'levelling up' ambitions will only be met if Whitehall releases its grip on power over infrastructure planning and reforms the funding system, according to its own infrastructure...
The government will allocate a further £56m to tram and light rail services in England to help keep services running through the Covid-19 recovery period.
Transport for London is expected to slash its capital spending due to weakened passenger demand following the coronavirus pandemic, ratings agency Moody’s has predicted.
Local authorities would be barred from receiving additional funding for bus services if they fail to enter into an ‘enhanced partnership’ or franchise scheme with bus operators, under new proposals.
A strategic transport network for the whole UK is likely to garner more support if funding is not taken from existing devolved budgets, according to interim findings by a government-commissioned...
Pre-pandemic, rail in Britain was forecast to grow by more than a third over the next two decades, but it will take extraordinary measures and levels of public money to get us back on track
Infrastructure investment is seen as vital to post-pandemic recovery, but is it possible to provide a public transport network without the passenger numbers to fund it?