An end to deciding spending in Whitehall is key to creating a new UK, says Jonathan Werran, chief executive of Localis, the local government think-tank.
Integrated care systems should finance and procurement experts earlier in the planning process if they want to maximise their chances of improving services and using their resources...
Robotic process automation (RPA) uses intelligent technology to perform previously time-consuming manual tasks swiftly and accurately – but the performance of your robots is dependent on their...
For councils looking at easing their financial challenges, Norse Group chief executive Justin Galliford explains how partnership working offers a safer way to generate additional revenue.
Older people bring multiple benefits to the workplace. The new Age-Friendly Employer Pledge aims to help organisations make the most of this underused asset.
Dr Jim Cuthbert questions whether the government’s funding method for its nuclear power programme provides value for money, given it now expects the plants to take nearly twice as long to build.
CIPFA’s procurement advisor Mohamed Hans explains why some public bodies are looking more favourably on insourcing services instead of relying on contractors.