The argument for shifting resources away from housing benefit subsidies to social housing provision is growing stronger, says councillor Graham Chapman.
Making hard choices is the only way for London Borough of Croydon to bounce back from the financial brink, says the authority’s cabinet member for finances.
A lack of clarity over who will direct place-investment through the proposed replacement for EU structural funding could cloud our hopes of economic recovery, argues Joe Fyans.
Reforms to the system of accessing Public Works Loan Board borrowing increase the importance of good decision-making by council section 151 officers, says David Blake.
Nobody expected the 2020 Spending Review to slam the brakes on, but a prolonged period with no formal fiscal framework will start causing the chancellor new headaches, says Dan Corry.
In February 2018, Mark McLaughlin became the first section 151 officer in almost 20 years to issue a section 114 notice. Writing exclusively for PF, Northamptonshire’s former finance director makes a...
The UK government's planning white paper underestimates the complex relationship between new homes and the communities they are built in, says Dr Alison Knight.
Speed was key in rolling out the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, but HMRC didn’t overlook the potential for fraud, says the department's director responsible for Covid-19 compliance.
The future of our planet depends on finding a financially sustainable way to implement technologies that reduce carbon emissions from buildings, says Tim Reade.
Plymouth City Council’s recent interest rate swap transaction bears little resemblance to the deals that gained notoriety in the late 1980s, says an adviser whose firm worked on the deal.
Plymouth City Council’s interest rate swap deal shows councils’ continued appetite for borrowing. David Moore examines the deal and other options available to authorities.
The Treasury faces difficult trade-offs around time, cost and quality in producing the UK government’s accounts, says Helen Jackson, audit manager at the National Audit Office.
Two experts face off over proposed changes to transitional arrangements relating to the 2015 NHS, Teachers, Fire Service, Police, Civil Service and Armed Forces pension schemes.
Sarah Lamont, partner and specialist employment lawyer at law firm Bevan Brittan, looks at how LGPS will be affected by the upcoming local government exit payment caps.
Public sector organisations should look into how they plan to exit private finance initiatives or they could face disruption to services, says Ian Tasker.