Opening the public sector audit market to new entrants will require a collective, system-wide effort says Julie Schofield, senior manager of business and procurement at local authority audit body...
Building on a twenty-year heritage as a pioneering IT company, Team Netsol is determined to make use of the latest technologies to offer the very best products to local authorities, its primary...
Proposals to better integrate health care rely on the NHS being adequately funded in the forthcoming Spending Review, says Amelia Chong, policy advisor for finances and specialised services at...
The government must focus on six key topics to ensure its 'levelling-up' agenda is successful, says Nigel Wilcock, executive director of the Institute of Economic Development.
The National Audit Office has consulted with local and national government on a new good practice guide, learning the lessons for procurement from Covid-19, explains Matthew Rees.
Council transformation relies on a strong digital core to enable self-service and data-driven insight, says Ian Owen, industry director, local government, at TechnologyOne.
A new Fabian pamphlet calls on the Labour Party to position itself as the party of rigorous stewardship of public money – authors David Walker and John Tizard explain why.
After prime minister Boris Johnson spoke of ‘catch up ketchup’ in his detail-light ‘levelling up’ speech in Coventry, Localis head of research Joe Fyans asks if devolution and local leadership can...
Joseph Holmes, executive director of resources at West Berkshire Council, explains his authority’s plans to save £200,000 a year by closing two of its offices and encouraging hybrid working.
Two important new documents provide the basis for stronger and more efficient public sector procurement as we emerge from Covid-19, says Crown Commercial Service chief executive Simon Tse.
How the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on working arrangements and mental health, has led to social factors having a dominating role on the ESG considerations of pension...
David Good and Patricia Andrews Fearon from the University of Cambridge explain how a ‘zero-sum’ approach can hamper an organisation’s ability to flourish.
Eight new freeports announced in the UK’s March Budget are likely to create even fewer jobs than predecessor policies, says Paul Swinney from the Centre for Cities.
Local authorities commercial investment needs a change focus, to help unlock latent potential in region, says Jonathan Werran, chief executive of think tank Localis.
Tackling climate change and achieving our ambitious target of net-zero emissions requires a step change across our society and economy, says Lord Agnew, government minister for efficiency and...