Richard Lloyd-Bithell reviews the big treasury management developments over the past year – and highlights the issues that are set to dominate the agenda in 2022.
Incorporating sustainability in business cases is becoming established as a way of demonstrating value for money from infrastructure projects, says Julia Prescot.
Integrated care boards are set to take more power over NHS resources in April next year. A survey of trust leaders shows support for the move – but has outlined a number of pitfalls that must be...
Public Accounts Committee chair Meg Hillier and HCLG committee chair Clive Betts take issue with recent findings by the Financial Reporting Council on local authority audit.
The Office for National Statistics is helping drive forward international efforts to help governments go ‘beyond GDP’ in measuring human progress, says Richard Heys.
As interest rates expectations change we observe a wider spread of pricing in the “LA to LA” market. Does this represent an opportunity for borrowers and investors?
Councils failing to meet their legal requirement to properly 'have regard' to revised Prudential and Treasury Management Codes risk provoking further central government intervention in the...
CIPFA is again consulting on changes to the Prudential and Treasury Management Codes with the expectation that revised guidance will be in place by December 2021.
Councils with PFI contracts need to consider a number of implications resulting from the transition to a new benchmark interest rate, says David Moore.
Despite rumours to the contrary, changes to CIPFA’s Prudential and Treasury Management Codes mean councils must re-examine their investment strategies, says Richard Lloyd-Bithell.
Calls to replace council tax and stamp duty with a wealth tax should be rejected due to negative consequences for local government finance, says Chris Buss.
A much-welcomed increase in resources cannot paper over the cracks in the way central government delivers much of its funding for local government, says CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.