Managing housing services within Newcastle City Council could save nearly £1m a year compared with existing arrangements, freeing up money to be invested in improving the housing stock and serving...
Long-term funding and better Home Office communication is needed to improve work to house asylum seekers in England, according to the officers leading local responses.
The UK’s social housing model is too reliant on providers making sales to generate income, creating “conflicts of interest” in the system, MPs have been told.
Unscrupulous landlords are profiting from expensive and poor-quality housing for vulnerable people because fragmented regulations and a lack of official data have allowed them to get away with it, a...
The government has briefed that allowing councils to keep 100% of their right to buy receipts for two years will help increase social housing stock by thousands – but it could fail without other...
Concerns over soaring private rental costs have prompted Westminster City Council to propose spending more than £80m to buy properties for temporary accommodation.
It’s time to halt the merry-go-round of ministers and better resource local planning departments so we can focus on the country’s housing need, writes Jonathan Pearson.
Private tenants face a safety ‘postcode lottery’ because of a lack of funding for enforcement. New reporting duties aren’t the answer, writes Meg Hillier.
Local authorities should have more power to build homes to support people most in need, and ministers must avoid targets that focus purely on the number of properties built, MPs have said.