The Scottish Government’s increased surcharge on second and rental home purchases is “inconsistent with any sensible tax policy”, according to a leading think-tank.
Tenants are rushing to buy their homes following the Right to Buy changes announced in the last Budget, according to the Local Government Association (LGA), with the LGA calling on the Government to...
New and immediate mandatory housing targets for councils have come into force alongside a “common sense” approach to the green belt through the updated National Planning Policy Framework.
Reversing the Scottish Government’s 2024-25 cuts to affordable rented homes is needed to address “spiralling” waiting lists, housing associations have warned.
Local authorities could be required to replace homes sold under Right to Buy on a like-for-like basis as part of a government plan to reverse the decline in council housing.
Decent homes in the UK are in short supply. Kate Henderson, National Housing Federation chief executive and the voice of social housing, tells PF that the crisis can be solved.
MPs will look into the challenges faced by children living in temporary accommodation as the homelessness crisis puts council budgets under increasing strain.
Nearly £1bn of homelessness service funding is set to end next year, sector organisations have warned chancellor Rachel Reeves, asking for the money to be rolled over in the upcoming Budget.
The housing crisis will push Newham Council’s temporary accommodation bill to more than ten times its recent size, piling further pressure on an authority already looking for £70m of savings to cover...
Matthew Pennycook has set out priorities for the government’s housing agency, including maximising the social housing delivered through the remaining Affordable Homes Programme funding.
Challenges such as rocketing temporary housing costs threaten local government finances, and chancellor Rachel Reeves faces calls to fix the system in the upcoming Budget.
Auditors have raised “serious concerns” over the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s finances, and pointed to an at-risk development scheme that could destabilise the authority.
More homes must be built in cities outside London if the government is to meet its target of achieving the strongest economic growth in the G7, according to a leading think-tank.
The Welsh Government has been warned that its target of building 20,000 new social homes by 2026 will not be met unless significant additional funding is ploughed into the scheme.
A cross-party coalition of more than 100 council landlords has warned that the council housing system in England is broken, with “urgent action” needed from the government if it is to deliver its...