Changes to Britain's phone system which could end up costing councils hundreds of thousands of pounds were met this week with a collective shrug of the shoulders from the public sector.
The government has admitted that half this year's funding increase for education will be swallowed up by the teachers' pay rise, leaving much less than expected for other improvements.
Housing may be ignored by Labour as the government sets spending targets for a second term in office, prospective mayor of London Ken Livingstone warned this week.
Critics of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) have leapt on a National Audit Office report criticising the first major NHS hospital built under the policy.
The role of negotiating grants to the new Scottish assembly has been given to John Reid, who impressed Number 10 when transport minister by facing down protesting lorry-drivers angered by increases...
The capital's fire engines will be supplied and managed by the private sector for the first 20 years of the next century, following this week's announcement of a £45m Private Finance Initiative deal...
Council house repairs in England and Wales are in line for a £1.2bn cash boost from 2000/2001, according to a briefing note from Local Government Association chief executive Brian Briscoe.
Chancellor Gordon Brown has denied that the worldwide crisis in financial markets and the possibility of a UK recession threaten the government's extra funding commitments on health and education.
The health department is poised to scrap the controversial scheme that has failed to stem the rise of the NHS's £6bn drugs bill and replace it with strict price controls.
Local government minister Hilary Armstrong has urged councils to refurbish rather than build new homes with the new money from the Comprehensive Spending Review.
The NHS Executive is to clamp down on health authorities and trusts that do not put enough cash aside to cover clinical negligence claims against them.
Nurses, midwives and non-clinical NHS staff could be offered large pay increases soon, despite Gordon Brown's insistence that he will keep the lid on public sector pay.