CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman raised concerns over a lack of diversity in council investments, at the annual Local Government Association conference today.
The majority of local government finance officers have lost confidence in their future financial positions over the last year, a CIPFA survey has revealed.
In a feature article and editorial published online and in the June 2019 edition of Public Finance, we referred to a “litany” of high profile “audit failures” in recent years, including Lehman...
Councils are still being called on to do more with less but the move towards investment in commercial property may not be an appropriate response, says CIPFA’s Don Peebles.
The adequacy and impact of auditor reporting is under scrutiny after an NAO report concluded that central government lacks the evidence base needed to assess governance
Money matters as much to planning as other services that may have been more visibly hit by cuts but equally important is a seat at the top table, says Royal Town Planning Institute’s Victoria...
Internal auditors may have some tough truths to deliver as their organisations face ever-increasing pressure but their role is vital, says CIPFA’s Diana Melville.
As austerity measures, commercialisation and rapid change force local government into difficult decisions, a strong code of conduct becomes ever more important, CIPFA’s Kim Woods writes.
From unveiling money laundering and alcohol fraud to deploying nudge psychology and boosting international collaboration, there’s much to learn from our award winners, writes CIPFA’s Marc McAuley....
In dealing with the increased risks that accompany declining budgets, escalating demand and political uncertainty, public sector organisations across the UK have proven to be incredibly adaptable and...
The largest growing area of fraud being detected or prevented by councils is business rates fraud, yet this represents only a fraction of the total, says CIPFA’s Marc McAuley.
Delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan is threatened by a “worrying level of disparity” in the financial performance of local health bodies, MPs have warned.
Public finance professionals have a vital role to play in building trust and resilience, the Scottish Government public finance minister has told CIPFA members.