A “groundbreaking” agreement between four local authorities on the England-Wales border could allow them to collaborate on services and unlock millions in government funding for regional investments...
Two councils planning to end a joint management arrangement lack detail over the anticipated costs, and need to focus on appointing a section 151 officer, according to a CIPFA report.
An Oxfordshire district council and the county authority are set to end their shared services arrangement after the new county administration decided the benefits “no longer outweigh the negatives”.
Three neighbouring authorities in Lincolnshire have approved plans to merge management and workforce teams, a move expected to save tens of millions of pounds over the next decade.
Ongoing failures of leadership and governance must be urgently addressed if shared service centres are to deliver expected savings, the Public Accounts Committee said today.
Shared services are a popular reform for public agencies under financial pressure. The hope is to reduce overheads and increase efficiency by consolidating support services like HR, finance and...
Shared services can greatly improve efficiency and encourage a culture of collaboration to improve NHS services, says Stephen Sutcliffe, the new finance and accounting director of NHS Shared Business...
London’s tri- and bi-borough arrangements prove the enormous potential for local government collaboration. You just need to be committed to the end result