Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called for councils to take back direct control of local services, including the provision of utilities such as power and water.
George Osborne has extended a government scheme to sell shares in Lloyds Banking Group as part of moves to fully privatise the firm, which was bailed out during the financial crisis.
The government’s £757.1m sale of its stake in cross-Channel rail operator Eurostar did not cover the costs of public sector investment in the company and was driven by a desire to sell prior to the...
A government review is considering reforms to the state-owned rail company, including possible privatisation. There are a number of options that the study must consider.
The government has recouped nearly three-quarters of the money used to bailout Lloyds Banking Group following the sale of a further 1% of the firm’s shares.
The government has begun the process that will sell off the taxpayers’ stake in the firm leading a major redevelopment project in King’s Cross in London.
The Treasury has confirmed that it will offer shares in the bailed-out Lloyds Banking Group to the general public within the next year as part of moves to return the bank to full private ownership.
The public sector is spending far more than private firms on outsourced services, despite a very patchy history of delivery. What can be done to promote better outcomes, particularly in value for...
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has defended the government’s use of private- and third-sector providers in the NHS as a way to improve the efficiency of the service.
Public corporations are a sensible alternative to the use of privatised suppliers. But they are being held back by an outdated reputation and weird accounting rules