Planning minister Brandon Lewis has launched a review of how local plans are agreed, with the aim of cutting the amount of time it takes councils to get them in place.
Efforts to improve the productivity of the UK economy are being hindered by “fundamental flaws” in governance that means investment in infrastructure is insufficient to boost growth, a...
Ministers could take the power to decide on fracking applications away from local authorities that do not make decisions on developments within 16 weeks, it has been announced.
Council spending in England fell by almost a third over the duration of the last Parliament, with housing and planning the areas that were hardest hit, CIPFA analysis has found.
Councils that fail to produce local housing and commercial development plans could be forced to do so by the local government secretary Greg Clark, according to proposals in the Treasury’s national...
Councils in the north of England have been urged to set out their planning priorities for the region as part of a project that will consider the creation of a strategic spatial plan.