New and immediate mandatory housing targets for councils have come into force alongside a “common sense” approach to the green belt through the updated National Planning Policy Framework.
Government plans to overhaul “the creaking local planning committee system” need to be backed up by resources, an expert has warned after Angela Rayner set out her reform ambitions.
The government hopes £650,000 of funding will improve efficiency and create a “supersquad” at a shared planning service, improving already-good outcomes locally as well as benefitting ...
Raising planning fees will do little to alleviate the current issues in the planning system without also changing how decisions are made, experts have warned.
Large increases to planning fees could give an “essential boost to over-stretched planners” and help them get through lengthy case backlogs and speed up development, experts have said in reaction to...
The New Homes Bonus could be reformed to help councils fund infrastructure in areas with lower land values, according to a new government consultation.
The UK government's planning white paper underestimates the complex relationship between new homes and the communities they are built in, says Dr Alison Knight.
Proposed planning reforms announced today could raise more money for affordable homes and infrastructure by replacing the current system of developer contributions, according to the government.
Council leaders have called for greater compulsory purchase powers after analysis showed less than 60% of granted planning permissions have been completed since 2009-10.
High streets are in a state of “emergency” as retail planning applications to district councils in England have nearly halved since 2015, a network group has said.
Failing to adopt a ‘more joined-up’ approach to planning the UK’s towns and cities will make it impossible to meet the challenges of climate change, population growth and environmental risks.
Inherent problems with the housing planning system in England mean the government is “way off track” for reaching its goal of 300,000 new homes each year, MPs have claimed.
Money matters as much to planning as other services that may have been more visibly hit by cuts but equally important is a seat at the top table, says Royal Town Planning Institute’s Victoria...