Hospitals could carry out more than 290,000 extra routine operations each year if they improved the way they schedule surgeries, according to a health watchdog.
CIPFA members Jon Thompson, chief executive of HMRC, and former NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey were among a host of public servants named in the Queen’s New Year Honours...
In these times of financial constraint, setting up a wholly owned subsidiary should continue to be a tool in the box health trusts can use, argue NHS Providers’ David Williams and Adam Wright....
Switching to cheaper NHS medicines does not impact the effectiveness of treatment, according to the agency responsible for overseeing health care providers.
Ian Dalton will take over as chief executive of NHS Improvement at the start of next week, replacing Jim Mackey who has held the post for the past two years.
Hospitals are wasting two hours of operating time a day due to avoidable factors such as late starts, details released from a forthcoming NHS Improvement study have suggested.
Health watchdogs will soon grade NHS hospital trusts on how efficiently they use their resources alongside reviews of the standard of care they provide.
Richard Douglas has been named interim chair of NHS Improvement until 31 December, or until the appointment of a new permanent chair is that is earlier.
NHS providers have succeeded in cutting their deficit by two-thirds over the financial year just ended, however the service missed its target by more than £200m, official figures have shown.
NHS providers recorded a deficit of £648m in the first six months of the financial year, almost £1bn lower than in the same period last year, according to figures from NHS Improvement.
Three more hospital trusts are to enter a financial special measures programme run by NHS Improvement due to “significant concerns” about their finances, the regulator has announced.
New spending limits for regional health systems have been proposed in a two-year blueprint for the NHS, which expands the use of Sustainability and Transformation Plans to drive reforms across the...
Hospital trusts will be able to earn increased autonomy under a new regulatory framework published by NHS Improvement, which could also see hospitals outwith the special measures regime receiving "...
Four foundation trusts have been accredited by watchdog NHS Improvement to lead the creation of hospital chains intended to help share best practice across the health service.
The plan by national NHS bodies to get NHS finances back on track is welcome. But there is a danger it could give the impression that the problem is all down to financial management
National NHS bodies have proposed creating a two-year payment tariff in the health service in a bid to increase certainty across the sector following the announcement of a financial reset.
NHS Improvement has called on hospital finance chiefs to do more to help “get a grip” on agency spending as part of efforts to improve the financial sustainability of the health service.
Nearly half of the £3.8bn funding increase for the NHS next year is being ringfenced in a sustainability and transformation fund intended to improve the financial health of the service.