Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced planned tax measures – phased in over the next four years – which will see the UK’s tax burden rise to the highest level since the late 1960s.
A cross-party parliamentary group has been set up to lobby for progress on the Northern Powerhouse agenda, which was championed by George Osborne when he was chancellor.
With rifts in cabinet and country over Brexit, and rumours about the chancellor being sidelined, questions are being asked over the size of the Treasury’s influence
Government plans to offer shares in Lloyds Banking Group to the public have been scrapped after chancellor Philip Hammond said that ongoing market volatility means it is “not the right time for a...
Chancellor George Osborne has raised the prospect of cutting corporation tax by at least five percentage points as part of a plan to boost investment in the UK following the vote to leave the...
George Osborne will abandon his fiscal rule that requires the public finances to be in surplus by the end of the parliament, saying that he must be “realistic” about the impact of Brexit.
Chancellor George Osborne this morning insisted robust contingency plans to maintain economic and fiscal stability were in place following Thursday’s vote to leave the European Union.
Leaving the European Union’s single market would be a disaster for the UK’s economy and result in £200bn less trade every year, chancellor George Osborne warned today.
Over twenty more nations will share details on the true owners of secretive companies after joining up to the anti-tax evasion initiative headed by Europe’s five largest economies.
Chancellor George Osborne missed the public sector borrowing goal in 2015-16 by around £1.8bn, with the deficit totalling £74.0bn according to provisional figures published by the Office for National...
Iain Duncan Smith has criticised the government’s deficit reduction strategy following his resignation as work and pensions secretary, accusing chancellor George Osborne of pursuing “...
There needs to be clarity on how reforms to take small firms out of business rates will affect councils. There is a risk the link between economic growth and increased local revenues will be broken.
George Osborne is right that economic storm clouds are gathering. But changes to productivity forecasts show they aren’t in Asia or Europe: they are on our own horizon.
Chancellor George Osborne is only on track to meet his one unbroken fiscal target thanks to some “fiddling around” with incomings and outgoings of the public purse, the Institute for Fiscal Studies...
Chancellor George Osborne has breached two of his three fiscal targets, with objectives on debt and welfare spending missed, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility.
The governments in Cardiff and Westminster have struck a £1.2bn city deal for the Welsh capital, expected to provide up to 25,000 new jobs and attract £4bn in private investment.
George Osborne’s plans to get the government finances into surplus in 2019/20 are set to reduce public sector pay to the lowest level relative to the private sector for at least 25 years, an...
Changes to government spending plans announced in last year's Spending Review mean George Osborne could miss his target of achieving a budget surplus by 2020, the National Institute of Economic...
George Osborne has announced a delay to completing the full sale of the government’s stake in Lloyds Banking Group due to “turbulence” in the global financial markets.
The government has said that further devolution deals are likely in England following the passage of the Cities and Local Government Devolution Act, which received Royal Assent today.