Local authorities should use empty shops more effectively and reduce parking charges to bring the high streets back to life, according to recommendations made to the government.
Housing accountants must be careful about how they charge rents next year - a leap year - or they could find they lose out on income or break the rules, says the chair of CIPFA’s housing panel Ken...
The auditor general for Wales has issued public interest reports highlighting failures in financial management and governance at three community councils.
An umbrella-group has expressed disappointment Philip Hammond did not consult with local authorities before announcing in the Budget business rates relief for high street retailers.
Local authority finances were unusually high up the agenda at the Labour conference this year but councils remain in a state of flux until the government realises the system of funding them needs...
Social care needs a system such as the childcare voucher scheme, says the co-founder of an international nursery chain John Woodward. He was also the architect of the childcare voucher scheme....
The proportion of women elected to local government in England went up just three percentage points between the elections in 2014 and 2018, analysis released today has revealed.
CIPFA head Rob Whiteman provides the first of our regular columns on fraud, looking at how countering this crime requires collaboration and should be a strategic priority.
Local authority borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board has reached a seven-year high as cash-strapped councils increasingly invest in capital projects.
Scottish councils have turned a corner in their revenue funding allocation from the Scottish Government, with a small increase reversing a trend of decline in recent years, analysis has revealed.
Now the dust has settled - two weeks after the local elections - the Institute for Government’s Graham Atkins gives some advice for newly-elected councillors on five challenges they need to address....