Some Conservative MPs began the year calling for a U-turn on April's scheduled hike in National Insurance rates due to a looming cost-of-living crisis. But experts believe that it will be hard...
The joint Spending Review and Autumn Budget pledged real-terms funding increases for each central government department. PF rounds-up where that money is heading.
Brexit has been named as the reason for the UK facing a possible recession and the expected delay of the government’s annual statement on its fiscal plans.
Councils are calling on manufacturers to “play their part” in meeting the rising cost of recycling after China banned the importation of certain materials.
Other departments in Whitehall might have looked on at health with envy after the Budget but its deal may not be as good as it appears, says NHS Providers’ Adam Wright.
Councils need greater devolution and more funding, local government leaders said after the chancellor announced in the Budget London councils will pilot 100% business rate retention in 2018-19.
While Philip Hammond's funding commitments to education in the Budget were positive it will take more than cash to get education right, says Reform's Emilie Sundorph.
Housing Revenue Account borrowing caps will be lifted for local authorities in areas of “high affordability pressures” to build more homes, it was revealed in the Budget today.
The government will provide £40m to train maths teachers across the country to give pupils the knowledge needed for the digital economy, chancellor Philip Hammond said in his Budget statement.
The UK will set aside £3bn over the next two years to help Whitehall prepare for “every possible outcome” of Brexit, the chancellor announced in his Budget speech today.