Here is a bold prediction: Labour will lose the election on June 7. Major seats will be lost, the party's share of the vote will be lower than the Conservatives and they could lose their position as...
College lecturers went on their first national strike for a decade this week, causing disruption during exam time for students at 290 colleges across England.
South Yorkshire's Passenger Transport Executive is considering investing millions of pounds to extend the Sheffield tram network to Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster.
Ideological differences between the main political parties on how to improve public services emerged this week as the general election campaign finally got under way.
Transport funding in Scotland is lagging way behind that of England and is producing a two-tier system, according to the chairman of the government's Commission for Integrated Transport.
The government's anticipated £1bn profit from the restructured Channel Tunnel rail link project has been called into question by the National Audit Office.
Railtrack was under fire again this week after another train crash and the decision of the Strategic Rail Authority to strip it of its sole responsibility to build new parts of the network.
The Welsh Assembly laid itself open to the risk of fraud by failing to perform the most basic accounting requirements, according to a scathing report this week from the National Audit Office.
London Mayor Ken Livingstone faces a showdown with the Greater London Assembly over his controversial budget after public clashes with members this week. Livingstone stood by his guns as he presented...
Northern Ireland's finance and personnel committee is this week expected to propose an amendment to the province's bill for the introduction of resource accounting, to enable auditors to follow the...
London Mayor Ken Livingstone has vehemently rejected suggestions that he is about to agree a compromise with the government over its controversial plans to partially privatise the Tube.
A cross-party committee of MPs has slammed Railtrack's management of the rail network and castigated its 'totally inadequate' supervision of safety procedures in a damning report published on...
The privatisation of the national rail network has created a huge conflict between performance incentives and safety and is placing untold pressure on the industry, Railtrack chief executive Gerald...
London Mayor Ken Livingstone has broken public sector pay barriers by offering up to £2m over four years to lure 'the best in the world' to London's top transport job.
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott is being strongly tipped in Whitehall for the ill-fated post of 'Cabinet enforcer' if Tony Blair wins a second term in government.
The majority of voters in London support Ken Livingstone's proposal to introduce congestion charges on roads in the next two years, according to a survey for the King's Fund health think-tank.
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott faces a barrage of legal and industrial action if he presses ahead with the partial privatisation of London Underground, after an independent report dubbed the...
Local authorities were trying to pick up the pieces of disrupted services as fuel began to trickle slowly back into garages and council depots after the government's ultimatum to petrol companies to...
Municipal contractors and companies which have public service as well as private contracts will have to keep separate financial accounts under new European Union rules.
Councils and registered social landlords must involve tenants at every level if strategies to tackle problem estates and urban regeneration are to be successful.
The government has come under renewed attack over transport spending with the Confederation of British Industry demanding a £209bn package for improving roads, rail and airport systems.
The government defiantly signalled its increasing commitment to public-private partnerships this week with the announcement that the total value of such projects will almost double to £20bn over the...