New prime minister Liz Truss has selected her first cabinet, but a leadership expert has warned that her focus on appointing political allies could hinder the government’s ability to implement change.
Business rates are “finished” as a form of funding for local government, according to former communities secretary Lord Pickles, in the second part of an exclusive interview with PF.
Local government secretary Michael Gove has signalled his support for remote council meetings, to help “ensure the maximum amount of efficiency” for local authorities.
The government’s 'levelling-up' agenda aims to invest in new houses, retrofitting of old homes and more powers to local government, according to senior ministers.
The decision to rebrand the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government has been criticised by the sector, with one expert calling it a misstep.
A cabinet politician has poured water on reports of a rift between chancellor Rishi Sunak and prime minister Boris Johnson, though he admitted there is a “creative tension”.
The leader of a local authority forced to spend thousands of pounds hiring facilities to hold Covid-19-safe meetings has called on the government to rethink its decision to effectively ban...
The Covid-19 response has brought to the surface a new set of tensions to bedevil central and local government relations, which may imperil recovery efforts
This election could lead to the break up of the union of the UK as well as the cutting of ties with the EU, writes director of the Institute for Government Bronwen Maddox.
After last night’s historic win, Boris Johnson’s government is now left to deliver on their mandate to get Brexit done and finish what they started. But that isn't all they need to do, writes Local...
The Conservatives have recorded a resounding victory in the 2019 General Election after claiming a majority of 80 seats, leaving Labour and Liberal Democrats looking for new leaders.
Some argue Jeremy Corbyn is too unpopular to be elected into number 10 but that ignores that everyone is unpopular at the moment, professor of politics Matthew Goodwin points out.
Brexit could usher in one of history’s occasional political realignments, with two new parties emerging from the chaos, says the Daily Telegraph’s chief leader writer Philip Johnston.
The civil service needs to be properly resourced and have a clear understanding of its role ahead of Brexit, the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has said.
The number of government departments in Northern Ireland is being reduced after the assembly elections, to both save money and reflect political changes. How much of a difference will this make in...